Human Trafficking Training
Available Resources for Judges, Attorneys, and Providers
Section 787.06(1)(d), Florida Statutes state it is the intent of the Florida Legislature that the Florida Supreme Court, The Florida Bar, and relevant state agencies prepare and implement training programs in order that judges, attorneys, law enforcement personnel, investigators, and others are able to identify traffickers and victims of human trafficking and direct victims to appropriate agencies for assistance.
Human Trafficking 101: An Introduction Presented by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit - November 2021
Human Trafficking 201: Advanced Human Trafficking Course Presented by Judge Robert Bauman, 13th Judicial Circuit - January 2022
To obtain 1 CLE credit after watching this webinar that was presented in January 2022, please contact the Florida Bar and reference course 2110774N (valid until 7/31/2023). If you are a judge and attended the webinar live, you may receive CJE credits by referencing course 21-225.
Cohabitation Intersection of DV, Sexual Assault, & Human Trafficking Webinar
Corporal Wilkett from the Pasco County Sheriff’s office discusses human trafficking in Florida in this hour long webinar that was presented in April 2020.
E-Learning Training Module
Human Trafficking and G.R.A.C.E. Court - What Judges Need to Know
G.R.A.C.E. Court is part of the Juvenile Dependency Division of the Miami-Dade courts and provides comprehensive services and support to these children and their families.
Judges may request .5 Continuing Judicial Education Credit for their participation in this course (course #18-81) by emailing and certifying that they attended the entirety of course.